Blackbushe Aviation Spring/Summer Newsletter
The School gets decorated
Spring time is the perfect time to have a spruce up and we have been busy smartening up the flight school. We have repainted in our corporate colours, replaced furniture and tidied up the place.
A New PA28 Joins the Fleet
Our latest addition to our PA28 fleet is G-BNRP, which is a 181 Archer with a Garmin GNS430 Nav/Com.
G-OCCN, a Diamond Star DA40 is due to join the Blackbushe Aviation Fleet in the coming weeks! This is a brilliant state of the art training aircraft with FADEC engine control and Garmin G1000 avionics and continues our upgrading and modernisation of the fleet. The aircraft is now bookable on Cloudbase, and is available for PPL Training, IR(r) & full IR and CPL.
New Hour Building Packages Available
Cessna 152 Hour Building Packages
25 Hours £3,600
50 Hours £6,850
Piper PA28 Hour Building Packages
25 Hours £4,950
50 Hours £9,850
Diamond DA40 Hour Building Packages
25 Hours £6,625
50 Hours £12,950
There are many advantages of doing your Hour Building with Blackbushe Aviation. We have onsite engineering which can assist with any minor Tech Log entries extremely quickly, ensuring that our fleet is always kept in the best condition and ready to fly.
You could use your Hour Building package to fly to many different locations and airports, and join in with club Flyouts and Social Events. We encourage a club atmosphere here at Blackbushe Aviation with lots of members looking to share flights and costs.
Our instructors are always around to ask questions and they will happily give advice on Weather, Navigation/Routing and NOTAMs.
Please contact the Ops team at info@blackbusheaviation.com for more information.
Flyouts Planned for the Coming Months
As we enter the warmer months it is the season for our club flyouts to lots of great destinations around the UK, Channel Islands & France. These are a great opportunity for Private Hirers to do their cross-channel checkouts, PPL students to fly somewhere with their instructors and Advanced students to do some ILS approaches. You can sign yourselves up to Flyouts on the Flyout page on Cloudbase. See below the list of our destinations this summer:
Le-Touquet, Northern France – 13 May
One for our current PPL Students! Have the opportunity to fly to Le Touquet for lunch in May with your instructor. To have an International flight in your Log Book is a great achievement before you even have your licence. This flyout is also open to our private hirers for cross-channel checkouts! Bicycle hire from the airport is 12 euros for half a day or 4 euros an hour.
Guernsey, Channel Islands – 3 June
Another flyout we are planning for the Summer is a flyout to Guernsey for an overnight stay. A very popular destination for Private Hirers and a great flight for cross-channel checkouts! The hotel we have chosen is the Duke of Normandie, St Peter Port which is approx £100-175 a night.
Isle of Man – 24 June
In the summer, we are planning a flyout to the Isle of Man in the Irish Sea! This is a great opportunity for PPL Students to fly with their instructors, Private Hirers and Advanced Students.
Scilly Isles – 22 July
We are doing a club flyout to the Scilly Isles off the Cornish Coast. This flyout will be open to all club members, PPL Students, Private Hirers and Advanced Students.
D-Day Beaches – 19 August
Fly from Portsmouth following the route RAF fighter aircraft took on 6th June 1944 and then patrol along the D-Day beaches. A little different to the original mission, we will then stop for lunch in France before the return flight home, all aircraft accounted for!
The Blackbushe Aviation Social Committee
The Blackbushe Aviation Committee is now up and running, and have some great things planned for the next 12 months, starting with our twice monthly social mornings! Free for anyone to come along, no matter what stage of flying they’re at and share experiences, or just simply chew the fat with a brew.
We’re also making a start on organising the Summer Barbecue, as well as providing assistance for the club at Blackbushe Air Day on Sat 3 June. If anyone is a budding chef, or is keen to help out either at the Air Day or in any other way then we’d love to have you join the team.
Keep up to date with everything we have planned on the Facebook page, or by checking out the committee noticeboard.
Equally, if you have any ideas of events or socials you would like to see, please also let us know and we can look at making them happen. Flying is as much about the social and people, as it is about the actual flying!