Spring IFR Flyout to Islay, Scotland
Blackbushe Aviation is offering the opportunity for members with or studying for an IR or IRr to fly up to Scotland in the Spring. Contact the Ops team to sign up.
IMC/IR(r) Rating
All inclusive price £4,750 in a PA28 or £5,550 in a PA28R includes 15 hours flying, ground school, landing fees, membership and written exam.
The Instrument Rating (Restricted) IR(R), is a national rating and is sometimes referred to as the IMC rating.
The IR(R) is a natural step forward for those who have qualified for their Private Pilots Licence. It permits pilots to fly safely in poor weather conditions, in cloud and fly instrument approaches down to the published minima in the same airspace allowed by the PPL, although its real purpose is to ensure that a flight may safely continue should the pilot inadvertently encounter bad weather conditions en-route. It is recommended, however, that an IR(R) holder applies an absolute minimum of 500 ft above ground level during an approach.
The course consists of a minimum of 15 hours training covering instrument flight, navigation and precision/non-precision approaches.
There is one theory exam.
Full IR Courses
All inclusive prices suitable for those wishing to fly commercially but also those pilots wishing to expand their own flying horizons.
Full IR (SEP)
£18,850 includes 50 hours training, membership, landing and approach fees and 10 hours ground school.
£22,950 includes 40 hours in SEP, 15 hours in MEP, membership, 10 hours ground school as above.
£4,000 per 10 hours all inclusive as above.
£14,500 (15 in SEP, 15 in MEP) all inclusive as above.
Multi-Engine Rating (MEP)
All inclusive price £3,750 includes 6 hours flying, ground school, landing fees, written exam and membership.
Many pilots seek to extend their range and opt for a multi-engine rating. This type rating allows a pilot to fly any twin piston engine aircraft over large conurbations such as London, airspace permitting.
The multi-engine rating course comprises of a minimum of 6 hours flight training: 2.5 hours general handling and 3.5 hours single engine handling covering all types of emergencies. The course culminates in a flight test and written exam taken at Blackbushe Aviation. The course also requires a minimum of 7 hours ground school.
Contact the Ops Team if you would like any more information at info@blackbusheaviation.com